The Best Boxing Headgear in 2020

How do you properly fit your headgear? Although defense is an important part of training, some punches will inevitably get through. With that, you want headgear that fits properly and performs to the best of its ability to keep you protected.

Here are our top three things we think you should look for in headgear:

ADJUSTABILITY You want a headgear that you can adjust to fit your head for a custom fit. Not all headgear have adjustability in all three places, but you want one that is typically adjustable in the chin area, on the top of the head, and on the back of your head in order to get a nice, personalized fit.

PROPER PLACEMENT OF CHEEK PROTECTORS You want your cheek protectors to obviously land right over your cheekbones. If the cheek protectors rest too far back on your cheeks, then your headgear is probably too small. If they come too close to your nose, unless the headgear is designed specifically for that added protection, then it is probably too big for you.

WHERE IT SITS NEAR THE EYE The third item to look for is that your headgear should sit over the middle of your eyebrow or just below your eyebrow. This will protect the upper part of your orbital socket.

Fit it right and it will form a fantastic second line of defense against those rare occasions when you forget to duck.