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Double End Bags
The double end bag is one of the most versatile and necessary pieces of equipment in the gym. It is tremendous for improving hand speed, timing, punching accuracy and precision, and combination punching. The double end bag’s rapid movements force boxers to increase reaction time and speed up punches. In addition, the double end bag reinforces the importance of head movement, promotes the use of angles and footwork, and encourages volume punching. To learn more about the benefits of double end bag training CLICK HERE.
There are many reasons that, when used correctly, a Double End Bag can become one of the most beneficial bags in your entire training routine.
Their design allows them to be hit from every angle, which helps you develop an entire arsenal of punches. Their movement also encourages you to act and react to every time they rebound.
One way to get the most out of your double end bag is to hang two, with each one at varying tensions. This helps replicate different styles of opponents. A loose bag will swing more, which makes it great for working against counterpunchers and movers. A loose bag is great for working on your rhythm, timing and accuracy. If you move around the bag, get in-and-out and explore your distance you will develop a better sense of range. On the other hand, a double end punching bag that is hung tighter is better for speed, focus, and punching endurance. Mounting the bungee cords so that they restrict the movement sets a more demanding pace and requires greater action.
Once it’s hung, how you use your double end bag also determines the amount of benefit you get from it. You should always move your head and your hands when working the bag so that you are developing defensive skills along with offensive skills. Moving constantly will help you practice the ability to see, act, and react quickly.
Above all, a boxing double end bag is made for movement, so you should never let the bag “settle.” Keep it moving every minute of every round. Move your head or move your feet and don’t stop using its variety of angles. The circular shape of your double end punching bag accommodates jabs, uppercuts, straight right hands, overhand rights, the hook, and more.
When used correctly, the boxing double end bag is a demanding piece of equipment. Use its versatility to become the most adaptive, skilled fighter you can be and allow it to take your tools to the next level.
Double end bags are one of the best training tools to improve head movement and footwork. The bounce back reaction is meant to mimic a fighter throwing back at you which forces you to work defense.
We offer replacement bladders by size that you can insert back into the bag, lineup with the airhole and air up for use.
Larger double end bags can be used for heavier punches while forcing defensive head movement at a little slower pace while smaller bags can move a little faster and force your punches to be a more precise. Both are great to have in your gym for a change of pace, speed, and focus.
You can make your cords tighter for more hand speed and faster rebound or you can keep it loose to get your timing down and throw heavier punches. It’s completely up to you how tight you want to hang it and what your exercise is intended for.