TITLE Boxing Aqua Training Punching Bag



TITLE Boxing Aqua Training Punch Bag main viewTITLE Boxing Aqua Training Punch Bag close upTITLE Boxing Aqua Training Punch Bag chain viewTITLE Boxing Aqua Training Punch Bag girl boxing stanceTITLE Boxing Aqua Training Punch Bag girl hitting bagTITLE Boxing Aqua Training Punch Bag guy throwing hookTITLE Boxing Aqua Training Punch Bag  environmental

Size100 lbs


Core Features
  • Made of durable thick vinyl.
  • Teardrop shaped for uppercut and body work.
  • For easier fill, use a garden hose.
  • Includes stopper to keep the water in and nozzle adapter to fill.
  • Comes with chain to hang the bag.
  • Each bag measures 16” (100lbs) or 20” (140lbs) across.
Make a splash in this sport with the TITLE Boxing Aqua Training Bag. Designed to be easier on your joints while allowing for full power punches. Water contents shift with every punch, giving it a realistic feel and movement. Each bag measures 16” (100lbs) or 20” (140lbs) across and can be filled use in hose.