Boxing Improvement

No matter where you are in your boxing ability or career – amateur, professional, fitness or cross-training – adhering to strict technique and sound fundamentals always applies. If your focus is to get bigger, faster or stronger, the desire to improve and evolve should be at the top of your list. Our focus is to create new tools specific for sharpening your skills for speed, power, reflex, balance, agility, defense and more. Master the basics and you can master your sport.

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Showing 15 out of 61 products

No matter where a boxer is in his or her career, there is always room for boxing improvement and constantly reviewing the basics. There are some very specific pieces of boxing training equipment that help instill solid fundamentals and reinforce proper technique. They are also good for home boxing equipment because most pieces of equipment aren’t bulky, don’t require mounting and can be used in smaller gym spaces.

These can be used for beginners as well as skilled professionals, simply because they work.

Resistance bands, for instance, improve the benefits of shadowboxing by increasing the amount difficulty received from this basic exercise.

Weighted gloves also add to the difficulty level of throwing basic punches. The added weight strengthens your arms, back, and shoulders, and improves your punching endurance. Mentally, they instill a feeling of being “heavy-handed”, which carries over and increases your punching power. They are more demanding of your muscular and cardiovascular system, so you get more benefits from every round. The introduction of “muscle confusion”, by changing the number and amount of weight you use each round, forces your mind and body to adapt to unpredictable demands. The increased demand for your upper body makes your ordinary boxing training equipment much more effective.

Slipping cords, slipping balls, and slip sticks serve as a constant reminder for the fighter to always keep defense in mind. When working alone on your home boxing equipment it’s easy to forget to focus on defense as well as offense. You can get caught up in bag work, concentrating on your own punching combinations and forget that in an actual competition scenario, punches are always coming back at you.

Reflex bags and balls are also great pieces of boxing training equipment that encourage you to work on your defensive skills. The rebound after each punch helps force the action and demands constant reaction to the bag’s movements. The more you punch and set a consistent rate of activity, the more the bag will give in return.

Boxing improvement shouldn’t stop at any level. It just takes focusing on sound fundamentals, executing strict technique, and incorporating the rights tools to regularly remind you to keep going back to the basics.


Cross training is essential to improve strength and speed which helps you improve as a fighter.

Weighted gloves can help improve your speed, power, and punching endurance.

Slipping cords are a great tool for improving your head movement and defensive game as they force you to work on ducking and moving your head off the “center line”.

We recommend including slipping and ducking into your routine every time you’re in the gym. We also have resistance tubes and shadow boxing tools that you can use to help make that routine a little harder.

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