TITLE Boxing Youth Sparring Bundle




TITLE Boxing Youth Sparring BundleTITLE Boxing Youth Sparring BundleTITLE Boxing Youth Sparring BundleTITLE Boxing Youth Sparring BundleTITLE Boxing Youth Sparring BundleTITLE Boxing Youth Sparring BundleTITLE Boxing Youth Sparring Bundle

Core Features
  • A full set of gloves and gear to partner-up and learn the boxing basics
  • Soft, fiber-filled glove set is ideal for working on partner drills, light contact sparring or just training together
  • Compact, 8oz size is perfect for kids
  • Durable, synthetic leather material is soft, but resilient

Set Includes: TITLE Classic Hi-Performance Headgear 2.0 (CTHG2) and TITLE Aerovent Youth Boxing Gloves (YGLV)