
TITLE Boxing Resistance Band Shadow Boxer



TITLE Boxing Resistance Band Shadow boxer main viewTITLE Boxing Resistance Band Shadow boxer shadow boxing with bandTITLE Boxing Resistance Band Shadow boxer closeup viewTITLE Boxing Resistance Band Shadow Boxer child boxer using band

Core Features
  • Put more snap in your punches, speed in your combinations and add strength, through resistance.
  • Increases the benefits of your shadowboxing routine
  • Easy-to-grip foam handles and durable resistance band can be taken anywhere to get more out of your workout
  • Measures a total 52” from end to end

Looking to add more speed and power to your punches? Try the TITLE Boxing Resistance Band Shadow Boxer. The band measures approximately 52” from end to end, has a medium resistance and easy to grip foam handles. Wrap it around a pole and step out to get more resistance or shorten the length for different users, this tool can be universal and is a necessary break from traditional boxing training. Add this to your training routine and you will get more snap out of every punch.