Bag Accessories

As you are learning to master each bag in the gym, there are additional training tools that will assist you in becoming a more complete fighter. Complimenting your routine with assorted bag accessories can add complexity to your typical bag work. Used correctly, they can improve your defense, give you another target, provide a different angle, or push you to become a little more versatile on both offense and defense. 

TITLE Boxing Rubber Speed Bag Bladder
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TITLE Boxing Double End Bag CableTITLE Boxing Double End Bag Cable
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TITLE Boxing Pro Adjustable Double End Bag Tie Down -1/4TITLE Boxing Pro Adjustable Double End Bag Tie Down -1/4
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TITLE Boxing Deluxe Pro SwivelTITLE Boxing Deluxe Pro Swivel
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TITLE Boxing Double End Bag Bladder
TITLE Boxing Adjustable Double End Bag Tie Downs - 1-8TITLE Boxing Adjustable Double End Bag Tie Downs - 1-8
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TITLE Boxing Heavy-Duty Adjustable Double End Bag Tie Down -3/8TITLE Boxing Heavy-Duty Adjustable Double End Bag Tie Down -3/8
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Showing 15 out of 63 products

To get more out of your bag routine, you may want to accessorize it to gain more versatility and training options. That may mean how you hang your bag or what attachments you add on to give it more “life.”

Whether you have it attached on a stand for a heavy punch bag or mounted from a wall with a punch bag bracket, how high you mount it will affect how it swings. How much it does or doesn’t swing provides you with a different type of “opponent” or bag experience.

Placing your bag on a stand for a heavy punch bag typically makes the bag hang lower. That means that it will not swing as much. This makes it more of a stationary target and more of a puncher’s bag. The lack of movement is more suited to brawlers, rather than boxers. On the other hand, if you have your bag mounted on a punch bag bracket higher on a wall, the bag will tend to swing more and give more movement. This extra swinging is better suited to traditional boxers, who like to move and stay on their toes more. In most cases, hanging it from a ceiling or high up on a wall as opposed to a lower stand for a heavy punch bag, a fighter can also move around the bag more. Ideally, your set up won’t have any stands or poles that take up space around the base of the bag, where a fighter would be practicing his or her footwork.

However it is hung, you can always add punching bag accessories into your workout to make it more difficult or complex. Slip sticks can be attached to most heavy bags so that there’s always a defensive component to your workout. Head targets are also great because they provide more specific points to aim for. They provide a slightly more realistic target to focus on so that you’re not just randomly punching all areas on the bag.

How you hang your heavy bag and what you accessorize it with can help you get a more personalized workout fit for you, but the most important factor is that you give it all your effort. The heavy bag is unquestionably the centerpiece of every fighter’s routine and what you put in is what you get out.


We have a lot of options. To start with, look for a swivel and chain set.

We do have replacement hanging hardware which can be found here.

We have heavy bag and double bag anchors as well as anchors that can attach to the floor.

We do not recommend that. We do have i-beam hangers and other options shown here that can hold your heavy bag and you don’t have to drill holes in your beam.

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