Equipment Bags

You need something great to carry all of your TITLE gear in, so we've put together the best selection of equipment and gear bags around. No matter if you have a little stuff or a car-load to carry, we have the size that's just right for you. Gym bags, sport bags, gear bags, mesh bags, backpacks, sack packs, roll bags, and all you need for your personal use or an entire team are all right here! 
TITLE Boxing Individual Sport BagTITLE Boxing Individual Sport Bag
3 colors available


TITLE Boxing Bruiser Gym SackTITLE Boxing Bruiser Gym Sack
5 colors available


TITLE Boxing Deluxe Gear BagTITLE Boxing Deluxe Gear Bag
2 colors available


TITLE Boxing Champion Sport Bag/BackpackTITLE Boxing Champion Sport Bag/Backpack
2 colors available


WBC by TITLE Boxing Sport Bag/BackpackWBC by TITLE Boxing Sport Bag/Backpack
1 colors available


TITLE Boxing Tactical Combat BackpackTITLE Boxing Tactical Combat Backpack
Desert Sand
2 colors available


TITLE Boxing Waist BagTITLE Boxing Waist Bag


1 colors available


TITLE Boxing Competitor BackpackTITLE Boxing Competitor Backpack
1 colors available


TITLE Boxing Ventilated Sport BagTITLE Boxing Ventilated Sport Bag
1 colors available


A good sports equipment bag does more than just carry your boxing gear back and forth to the gym. It also plays a role in keeping your equipment organized and clean and can even help it to last longer. An ideal gym bag should have numerous pockets to keep your gear well organized and in its own place. You don’t want to spend wasted time searching for your second shoe, digging through to find your mouthpiece, your hand wraps, or trying to find your keys when your workout is over. A gym bag with numerous pockets can help keep everything separate so it can be located easily, but also allows for space where each piece of gear can dry out more quickly, extending the life of your equipment. It’s better to have options for keeping your mouthpiece, groin protector, dirty shoes, sweaty gear, and post workout clothes all separate. Ideally your gym bag should be made of polyester and nylon materials that resist mold and bacteria and are water resistant. Mesh fabrics are also good for better airflow. A sports equipment bag constructed properly with more pockets provides a more sanitary way to store and carry your gear. As a side note, you should also leave your gym bag open immediately following your training session so everything can air out. There may be some instances when you just don’t have as much gear to transport or want to travel lighter. In those cases, a smaller gym bag, backpack, cinch sack, or smaller gym bag works fine. There are also a variety of sports equipment bags that provide you with size options. FIGHTING gym bags, TITLE Black, WBC, and TITLE Boxing gym bags are available in a range of sizes and have their own unique look, so you can choose the ones that fit your style best.

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