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Jump Ropes
Jumping rope is an ideal way to build strength and stamina! We stock a variety of weighted jump ropes and leather speed jump ropes to enhance your interval training or cardiovascular workout.
Jump ropes have been used for recreation in America for three and a half centuries and have been integrated into sports because they work so well in developing critical athletic skills.
The jump ropes playful feel and hypnotic rhythm is fun, but it is extremely adaptable, in terms of how and when you implement it into your boxing workout.
Using a boxing jump rope as a part of your warm-up is a fantastic way to prepare for the routine ahead and to compliment your shadowboxing rounds.
You can also use skipping rope to break-up the routine and create a “bridge” between sparring and bag work. It gives your mind and body time to “shift gears,” before you head into a new part of the same session.
Jump ropes are also a fantastic way to wind down at the conclusion of your workout, loosen-up your muscles, and “cool down” from the hard rounds you just finished.
Due to their demanding physical quality, the use of jump ropes in your boxing routine will improve your speed, footwork, and movement by strengthening your legs. Your ankles, calve muscles, and tendons in your feet all benefit from jumping rope.
The second most important piece of boxing protective gear is training and amateur competition head gear. In many ways this comes down to personal preference, but both also have their own distinct benefits.
Aside from the obvious benefits of gaining strength and endurance, the versatility of the boxing jump rope also has distinct mental rewards.
For instance, the jumping movement allows more fluid to move efficiently through your lymphatic system to help prevent illness.
Jumping rope regularly assists in the development of both the left and right hemispheres of your brain, which increases your awareness of distance, improves your ability to concentrate, and better gauge “range.” All those attributes can lend themselves to helping you become an all-around better boxer.
Although jump ropes were originally just a pastime for children, when taken seriously and approached as an important part of your boxing workout, it can become one of your most effective training tools for becoming a better boxer.
Jumping rope is great for the cardiovascular system and helps with speed and timing. For more information on the benefits of jumping rope you can refer to our blog on this topic found here.
Our smallest jump rope we have is a 7ft which may not work for some kids. We do offer adjustable jump ropes that can be set to fit a youth. We recommend searching our site for adjustable jump ropes.
Weighted jump ropes make the rotations/swing of the rope harder on your shoulders which in turn makes the exercise harder. The harder the workout is on your shoulders the better it is for your punching speed and power.