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Speed Bags
The speed bag has been a main staple of boxing training since 1872. Among the many benefits, the speed bag develops fighter’s timing, hand speed, and hand-to-eye coordination. The speed bag also improves fighter’s focus, coordination, and rhythm, all critical to boxing and combat sports. Speed bag training develops increased shoulder and arm muscles and teaches athletes to consistently keep their hands up. For speed bag training tips CLICK HERE. To learn about “Buying the Right Speed Bag” CLICK HERE. To read how Speed = Power CLICK HERE.
Depending on what your overall goals are in your speed bag work, there are distinct benefits of having both smaller and larger versions as part of your routine.
A smaller speedbag will improve your timing, accuracy, and eye-hand coordination. To keep moving constantly for several three-minute rounds helps with muscular endurance in your shoulders and increases your ability to keep your hands up high in a good defensive posture. It also requires a greater amount of focus and concentration. A small speed bag would be one that falls in the 4” x 7” - 6” x 9” range.
Speed bags were originally much larger because more force was required to move a bigger bag and keep it rebounding. It demanded greater effort and punching endurance to consistently punch through the larger speed bag and maintain a constant rhythm. A large speed bag would be more in the 7” x 10” - 10” x 12” range.
Having several size speed bags for boxing training will help you gain versatility and change up the demands. A small speed bag is easier to move, while a bigger bag is harder. The variety makes you more aware of the force you’re punching with and will improve your timing.
Another benefit of either size bag is that, when used correctly, it can condition you to keep your eyes open. By nature, people tend to blink when something comes in close contact with their eyes. It is a natural defense that happens instinctually. However, boxers need to keep their eyes open when hitting, getting hit, and slipping punches. It’s the only way to be aware of what’s coming next and see any counterpunching opportunities. Because of that, fighters need to condition themselves to do something that is against human nature and their body’s natural response. When you stand close to the bag and let it rebound right in front of you, with your eyes open, a speed bag becomes a great way to get accustomed to just that.
Changing up speedbag sizes will make you more adaptable by requiring speed versus power. Adaptability is a crucial character trait of champions, because those who are adaptable are the fighters who always find a way to win.
Here is a great video showing the basics for beginners.
Speed bags are great for building shoulder strength, hand eye coordination, and improving your timing.
This depends on what your goal is. If you want more speed, the smaller the bag the faster it moves. The larger bag can be used for trapping the bag and working more on power.
This depends on if you want to work speed vs power. For power and working on trapping or other exercises like head movement, you would want a larger bag. For speed and timing, you would want a smaller bag.