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TITLE Boxing features the largest selection and widest array of elite training and fitness gear in the world! A massive selection of technologically advanced speed ropes, medicine balls, weighted gloves, weighted vests, wrist and ankle weights, abs training, resistance band training, speed and reflex training, elevation training, stretching, weight management, and much, much more. Whether training at home or in the gym, for the next competition or title fight, or just to stay in peak shape, TITLE has you covered from top to bottom.
As a fighter, a great deal goes into conditioning. It’s not just about endurance. It also involves training your body to go beyond its breaking point, being able to work in bursts of action, and remaining focused for every minute of every round. You must strengthen your mental ability to take punches and endure physical pain through effective boxing training.
Traditional roadwork, bodyweight movements, and plyometric exercises are certainly part of any solid conditioning program. To push your mind and body to its limits also requires the right type of boxer training equipment.
Integrating specific boxing training equipment, such as weighted vests, resistance bands, and medicine balls helps build much-needed punching power. The additional load these tools place on your muscles and skeletal structure help build strength, but also condition your body to absorb impact.
Other boxer training equipment is designed for speed and agility, like reflex bags, slipping balls, and fast feet variations. Your ability to move toward and away from conflict quickly will enhance your chances for success. A fighter who is hard to hit is harder to beat.
The other facet of boxing training is to enhance both speed and power through more intricate exercises that work very specific muscle groups. Hand strengtheners, ab wheels, hand weights, and neck strengtheners all help develop smaller muscle groups. Focusing on these often-neglected areas can put you a step ahead of the competition. While they are only doing “the big things”, your attention to these details can give you an edge in the close rounds or as the fight wears on.
Most of your success will be determined by your boxing ability. Conditioning can play a significant role in how well you execute what you know. The amount and types of boxer training equipment you blend into your workouts is one aspect that you have total control over. With so many unknowns you will encounter in the ring, be sure that one thing you can always depend on is that you are better conditioned than your opponent. If you can enter the ring with that peace of mind, you can focus on performing at your absolute best from the opening bell.
Medicine Balls, jump ropes, and agility equipment are all great conditioning tools for fighters to cross train with.
Both are great. Rubber medicine balls are ideal if you are performing drills that require you to bounce and retrieve. Leather medicine balls are more suited to absorb impact when you intend to throw punches at it or don’t want it to rebound from being tossed. We recommend carrying one of each, so that you can perform a wide range of exercises.
We do and they are in the form traditional tubes with handles, figure 8 style, and configured for shadow boxing. To view our variety, click here.
When standing on the middle of your rope and feet together your handle should come up to the arm pit area. If the handles meet that spot, the jump rope should be perfect for you. Our tips video can provide more detail on the benefits of jumping rope and how to measure