Punch Shields

Trainers and coaches have been utilizing punching and kicking shields for decades for instructing, developing, and training boxers and combat athletes. With a wide variety of unique designs, sizes and shapes, trainers can now work on all punches, strikes, and kicks with full force from various angles. The immense versatility and impact resistance of these boxing pads and shields provide trainers an almost limitless training regimen for students from youth to adult and beginner to world champion.
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Showing 15 out of 16 products

When used properly a punch shield or kick shield can have enormous benefits for adding punching power and versatility to your workouts.

Unlike other boxing pads, like punch mitts or striking sticks, punch shields are meant to be used for full-on, all-out contact. This type of boxing pad isn’t typically used for working on speed or fluid combinations but is geared more towards developing your full punching power.

A punch shield is bigger, more heavily padded, and carries more weight than other smaller boxing pads or mitts. That makes it easier for the coach or trainer to withstand the force generated by even the biggest punchers. The size of a punch or kick shield better replicates the size of an opponent, by providing a bigger target. It also takes more effort and energy to move a shield than it does smaller punch mitts. The greater work output it requires is part of what makes them ideal for building strength and muscular endurance.

That does not mean it doesn’t also have some similar benefits to focus mitts or other boxing pad work, because both styles allow the coach and fighter to work on movement around the ring.

A coach can use a larger punch shield to press his fighter, constantly moving forward, to create a more demanding situation, and harder workout.

All types of boxing pad work can be used to improve a fighter’s reaction time and ability to think quickly. They are also a fantastic tool for creating exact scenarios and practicing the various ways a fight strategy might play out.

Boxing pad work using punch and kick shields helps fighters develop the ability to think on their feet and change their plan of attack at any given moment. That’s a vital character trait of anyone wanting to succeed in the ring.


Punch shields a great tool for coaches. They allow similar exercises to punch mitts and let coaches dictate the pace of the workout. Shields also absorb punches better than mitts and take the pressure off the coach's joints.

Yes, you can kick a punch shield. We have shields designed for kick boxing that are vertically rectangular in shape.

We have some that are weighted like the Pro Mex Accuracy Leather Pro Punch Shield 2.0 but most punch shields are under 5lbs.

Need help? Email us at info@titleboxing.com.