TITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield




TITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield  front viewTITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield guy posing with punch shieldTITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield main viewTITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield  back viewTITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield side viewTITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield  bottom viewTITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield guy posing with punch shieldTITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield guy punching punch shield while coach is holding


TITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield main view
TITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield main view

2 Colors Available


Core Features
  • Designed with two different style sides to diversify training
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Size: 12” diameter x 8” thick
Elite trainers have depended on the round punch shield to hone all types of punches and strikes for decades, and now we’ve brought a whole new level with the TITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield. The round, compact design doesn’t lack depth. At 8” thick, this round punch shield is ready to take hit from your hardest puncher. We’ve designed the TITLE Boxing Fighting Fresh Punch Shield with two different sides – one to work on sinking a fighter’s shots with accuracy and the other to work on a fighter’s explosiveness. Size: 12” diameter x 8” thick